CNR Research Hub in Lecco: Inauguration

The new CNR Research Hub in Lecco was inaugurated May 14th, 2015 inside the Politecnico di Milano Lecco Campus. It took place in front of a room filled with very welcome guests from the industry, research, politics, associations, education. Already in 2007, an agreement, strongly promoted and supported by Univerlecco, was signed to ratify the establishment of a CNR Research Hub inside the Lecco Campus, with its own building for 7 Institutes with offices and research laboratories. On May 14th, it was officially presented to the community.

The day began in the aula magna, with a welcome speech by the Politecnico di Milano Rector, prof. Giovanni Azzone. He highlighted that “a successful University can only be so if it is situated in a successful district”. And that “the Research Laboratories we are inaugurating are meant to be open to the district and to enterprises”.

After him, spoke the President of the National CNR, prof. Luigi Nicolais. “To build advanced education and research infrastructures and networks meant for the citizens and the local and national entrepreneurs aims at enhancing and attracting new activities and answering to the demand for innovation and growth of a community that has willingly decided to focus on education and research for its future”.

Then, local authorities intervened, starting with the Lecco Chamber of Commerce and Univerlecco President Vico Valassi, among the strongest supporters of the synergy. He openly spoke of “the nth unique experiment in Italy that sees the Lecco System as a main character“. He noted that “the inauguration of the CNR Research Hub is a milestone, the fulfilment of a long path that cannot be seen as an end-point, but as a starting point”. Finally, spoke the Province of Lecco President Flavio Polano, the Lecco Municipality Major Virginio Brivio and the Regione Lombardia President Roberto Maroni.

President Valassi also read a letter sent from the Confindustria President Giorgio Squinzi. He could not attend in person, but he was willing to compliment and express its closeness to the Lecco community, also by mentioning that “Lecco has always been a district of excellence and rich in entrepreneurial attitude”.

Ribbon cutting and visit to the Hub

After the presentation, the ribbon cutting and a visit to the Hub. The researchers from the seven Institutes presented several solutions they have developed as well as their research themes, building a strong moment of interaction with the enterprises and the Lecco community.

The 7 Istitutes

  • IBFM – Istituto di Bioimmagini e Fisiologia Molecolare
  • IENI – Istituto per l’Energetica e le Interfasi
  • IFN – Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie
  • INO – Istituto Nazionale di Ottica
  • INSEAN – Istituto Nazionale per Studi ed Esperienze di Architettura Navale
  • IPCB – Istituto per i Polimeri, Compositi e Biomateriali
  • ITIA – Istituto di Tecnologie Industriali e Automazione

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The Lecco Campus